Fear in Kirchnerism for a failure of the

Global Courant 2023-05-16 05:26:15


In the run-up to the National PJ Congress, there is concern in the Peronist ranks about the future of the complaint for irregularities in the process that nominated the leader of La Cámpora to head the party in the province.

Rumors are sometimes not just gossip. They can be true, especially if the protagonists who repeat them rub shoulders with power and claim to know how that power works. For this reason, in Kirchnerism, what began as a simple noise suddenly began to take such a form that it worries several of its main leaders: Could the Supreme Court rule against Máximo Kirchner and remove him from the presidency of the Buenos Aires PJ?

Just before the PJ National Congress this Tuesday at the Ferrocarril Oeste microstadium, the versions multiplied that the four courtiers of the highest court would be analyzing one of the many complaints against the leader of La Cámpora for alleged irregularities in the process that led him to preside over the Justicialista Party of Buenos Aires.

Máximo Kirhcner spoke on Saturday at La Matanza. He presides over the PJ but was never voted for by the affiliates. The issue is in the Supreme Court.

There are several reasonings that are exposed in that complaint that the Court would be studying. Perhaps the main one is that Máximo never faced an election to fill his position.

“The Peronist affiliates of Buenos Aires never voted for him. It was all due to an agreement made by the mayors of the Conurbano, especially Martín (for Insaurralde) with Máximo. And since there was a single list, it was decided to only vote in those locations where there was party competition for local positions,” explained a chief from Greater Buenos Aires who participated in the Peronist Congress in La Matanza on Saturday.

Martín Insaurralde gave Máximo Kirchner the power of the GBA mayor to manage Peronism in Buenos Aires.

Another suburban leader who was not at that event, raised his dissent. “I know the GBA mayors well. And I love most of them. Insaurralde convinced them to make him the roast so that only he and Máximo eat it. When they realized, it was too late,” he shoots.

The complaint that is before the Court was presented by the Peronist mayor who perhaps knows Máximo Kirchner the most: Fernando Gray, leader of Estaban Echeverría. “Fernando and Máximo are like cousins. They grew up together, when Gray was in Colina with Aunt Alicia. There is a personal issue there and it is difficult for us to get into it. It is true that Máximo took the presidency of the Buenos Aires PJ from him thanks to the agreement he made with Insaurralde ” , describes another justicialist leader who knows both a lot.

Fernando Gray was expelled as president of the PJ by Máximo Kirchner. The Court would be analyzing a complaint that he presented. Eduarde Duhalde dreams of managing the Party in Buenos Aires again.

“There was a single list and we used that so that in 2021 there will be no elections. It is also true that it was decided to lower anyone who wants to compete, as happened to Alberto Samid. The position of Máximo is full of irregularities, but they are the same as there were with the others who were also presidents,” added the same leader who this Tuesday will be sitting at the table of authorities of the National Congress of the PJ.

Among the half-dozen community leaders consulted by Clarín, none gave importance weeks ago to the possibility that the Court is encouraged to mess with Buenos Aires Peronism, especially presided over by someone with the last name Kirchner. But the rulings of the highest court that ordered the suspension of the elections in Tucumán and San Juan left a window open on that possibility.

“If they want to do justice, they have something to hold on to. Although there is a single list, they cannot deny the Peronist affiliate being able to vote, for example, blank. It is a right. But there are also irregularities that, because they are more mundane, do not stop being illegal. Máximo has not completed two years as a member of the PJ in Buenos Aires,” said another mayor, from the South of the GBA.

With the Buenos Aires concerns in the background, the congressmen of the national PJ will meet this Tuesday from 2:00 p.m. in the Ferro micro-stadium, a meeting that President Alberto Fernández will not attend for now.

There, in addition to the discussion about who will represent the party in the negotiation of electoral alliances, the debate that will mark the scene will be given by the definition of the strategy for the presidential fight and the differences between the party sectors that encourage a single candidate. of the Frente de Todos and those who insist on the convenience of going to a STEP.


Fear in Kirchnerism for a failure of the

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