US House Resolution 901: Misrepresenting Pakistan’s Progress

The recent US Congress Resolution 901, introduced by Rep. Rich McCormick, purportedly aims to support democracy and human rights in Pakistan. However, it appears to distort the reality in Pakistan, casting baseless aspersions on the Government and its efforts towards democratic governance and human rights. 

Firstly, it remains crucial to recognize that Pakistan, a nation of 240 million people, successfully conducted General Elections on February 8, 2024. These elections led to the establishment of a new Government which is functioning effectively and upholding democratic principles. Contrary to the claims of the resolution, the Government is working diligently to ensure that the rights of its citizens are respected and upheld. 

In terms of human rights, Pakistan’s record stands favorably when compared with some of its larger neighbors and even certain developed nations. The Government, with the unwavering support of the Armed Forces and other state institutions, is striving to create a safe and secure environment conducive to both domestic and foreign investment. 

A testament to such efforts is the recently launched “Operation Azm-e-Istehkam” (Resolve for Stability), a military initiative aimed at combating terrorism. This operation underscores Pakistan’s commitment to maintaining security and stability within its borders. 

Economically, the Government is making significant strides to revive the economy. By attracting and facilitating foreign direct investment (FDI), it has managed to curb illegal dollar flows, smuggling, and cartel monopolies through stringent economic measures. These efforts have yielded positive results: crop yields have improved, inflation has significantly decreased, and all macroeconomic indicators are showing a bullish trend.

Pakistan’s stock exchange (PSX), for the first time in history, has surpassed the 78,000-point mark. According to Bloomberg, Pakistan’s 27% stock rally leads in Asia, with an additional 10% growth anticipated by the year’s end. The success of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) is evident, as the benefits of this initiative are beginning to manifest within just one year of its inception.

In parallel, the Government is working to restore public confidence in state institutions. The relationship between the public and the military is strengthening, contributing to social stability. Interestingly, whenever Pakistan’s security situation improves and economic indicators boom, external forces hostile to Pakistan seem to redouble their efforts to create instability. The Zionist and capitalist forces however, remains threatened with Pakistan’s progress and seek to disrupt it through various means, including international media campaigns that paint a distorted picture of the country’s internal situation.

The manner with which Human Rights Violations being conducted against citizens of Gaza by Israel, is a mirror tactic being used by India in Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) against innocent Kashmiris. The senators keep sympathizing with Israel and India on contradiction to ground realities. 

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)’s persistent resistance to Operation Azm-e-Istehkam is particularly illustrative and makes it an ideal case for suspicion. PTI’s deep connections with Zionist lobbies, such as those involving figures like Goldsmith, are well-documented. Zionists and Capitalists lobbies preserve their assests and interests and fund them with foreign interests. Deliberate campaigns are run in international media to portray such groups as aggrieved parties, thereby gaining sympathy. 

The agenda behind US House Resolution 901 seems to align with these foreign interests. The Resolution appears to be a part of “Operation Goldsmith 2.0,” a calculated effort to undermine Pakistan’s international reputation for the political benefit of certain dissident groups within the country, known to be agents of those foreign forces. 

It is noteworthy that two factions are vehemently opposing the initiation of Operation Azm-e-Istehkam: PTI and Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Both groups resist because the operation threatens their illicit activities and interests. Thus, US Congress Resolution 901 seems designed to secure concessions for the former PTI Chairman by politicizing Pakistan’s internal issues on a global scale under the guise of defending freedom of expression and human rights.

The tabling of Resolution 901 at this juncture appears to be a politically motivated attempt to derail Pakistan’s progress rather than a sincere effort to support its people. Despite all odds, Pakistan’s economic resilience and recovery, supported by its Armed Forces and the public, demonstrate its strength.

While the Resolution 901 claims to support democracy and human rights in Pakistan, it misrepresents the facts and attempts to undermine the country’s achievements and ongoing efforts. With sustained collaboration between civil and military leadership, and the unshakeable spirit of its people, Pakistan is poised to become a significant player in the global economy. The path to economic stability and progress may be challenging, but Pakistan’s determination and strategic vision promise a brighter future.


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